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Thule Force XXL or Yakima Skybox 21 Cargo Box Comparison  


What is the difference between the Thule Force XXL 626 and the Yakima sonic Skybox 21? Recommendation? It will go on the back of a chevy truck on Thule bed rack


Expert Reply:

The Yakima Skybox 21 part # Y07337 and the Thule Force XXL # TH6359B are both excellent cargo boxes that provide 21 cubic feet of cargo space. Either will be a great choice but if it were me I would go with the Yakima just because I like the mounting hardware better.

The Yakima allows you to set the box on the bars of the roof and then slide the box back onto the crossbars. The Thule requires you to open the mounting hardware and then set the box on the bars with the mounting hardware centered on the bars. Basically you have to be a bit more precise when setting the Thule on the bars compared to the Yakima.

I attached review videos for both boxes for you to check out.

expert reply by:
Jameson C

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