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What is the Difference Between the Thule Spare Me XTR and PRO Spare Tire Mount Bike Carriers  


what is the difference and which one is better?


Expert Reply:

What you have here are different generations of the same bike carrier, in this case the Thule Spare Me. The newest version is going to be the Pro, # TH963PRO. The previous generation was the XTR and it is no longer being made. So by all accounts the PRO is the better one since it is the newest and most up to date.

For Thule part numbers start out usually just a number. Then the next generation will get an XT added on, followed by an XTR, and then a PRO as they make minor changes and upgrades. The biggest difference between the XTR and the PRO is the cradles. The PRO uses Stay-Put cradles such as # 853-7887 whereas the XTR used T3 cradles, # 853-5829. If you had to replace a strap on the XTR it was a little difficult.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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