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Recommended Weight Distribution for 1998 Ford Expedition Towing 2001 Kingston Horse Trailer  


Hello, What kind of hitch should I use with this truck and trailer. GVWR TRAILER IS 7000 GAWR FRONT AND REAR ARE BOTH 3500


Expert Reply:

As a first step, you'll want to verify the towing capacity of your Expedition. Your owner's manual should have this information.

I'd recommend the Curt class III hitch, part # C13049. When used with a weight distribution system, the hitch has a maximum towing/ tongue weight capacity of 10,000/1000 lbs.

To choose a weight distribution system, you'll need to first determine the fully loaded and ready to tow tongue weight of your trailer. To that figure, add the weight of any gear stowed in the cargo area of your Expedition. I've linked to an FAQ article that explains how to do this. These combined figures comprise the Total Tongue Weight (TTW) of your set-up. The TTW of your trailer should fall as close as possible to the middle of the effective range of the weight distribution system you choose.

A system like the Reese Steadi-Flex you referenced would be an excellent choice, offering a weight distribution function along with proven sway control. The # RP66561 system you referred to has an effective range of 700-1400 lbs of tongue weight. If the tongue weight of your loaded trailer falls near the center of this range, this system would work well for you. If the fully loaded tongue weight is lower, a system like the # RP66560 with its effective range of 600-1200 lbs of tongue weight would be a better choice.

The systems mentioned above include the weight distributing shank, but the trailer ball is sold separately. For a 2 inch ball, use part # A-90 or # 19286 for a 2-5/16 inch ball.

I've linked you to a product description video for the Reese SC system.

expert reply by:
Mike L

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