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Quick Connects and Wiring Recommendation for Use with a 4,500 lb Winch  


Hello, I have a 4500 lb. winch and I want to connect the quick disconnect cable and or part # SW1551. Will this part have the correct wire gauge for my winch? I believe my winch has a 6 gauge wire. Also, do I need to install a circuit breaker on the positive line? Presently I have my winch connected to a marine deep cycle battery. Does this part number sw1551 comes with the cable that runs from trailer or batter that is on the trailer to be back bumper of the truck? Also, does it come with the dust cover? I will be waiting for your reply. Thank you.


Expert Reply:

The Bulldog Quick Connects # BDW20047 that you referenced are designed to be used on wire that is from 6-10 gauge. Since you have 6 gauge wire you would be just fine.

This does not come with any wire, and to determine if your winch requires circuit breakers installed on the power line you will need to check the owners manual of the winch or the manufacturer.

For a kit that includes the wiring you would want the part # BDW20043. This kit would then use quick connects like # BDW20018.

These kits come with the dust covers with the integrated keepers for the cables.

expert reply by:
Jameson C

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