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Replacement Options For Roof Vent On Heartland Road Warrior Fifth Wheel Trailer  


I have a 2010-2011 Heartland Road Warrior 5th wheel. The factory vent covers are shot. Originals are Hengs Industries. I dont want to use Hengs again, the ones I have are paper thin. Do you have a comparable replacement cover you would recommend?


Expert Reply:

We offer a couple of options for you Heartland Road Warrior vents. We do carry the replacement vent covers for Hengs vents. If you want to just replace the cover you would order part # 69284. This is the only replacement cover that uses a 3-point hinge that we carrry.

If you wish to replace the entire vent assembly we have some options you can check out. I recommend part # V2110SP-24 if you are interested in a metal vent assembly.

If you want a white plastic vent I recommend part # V2092SP-25. Both of these vent assemblies will require a 14-1/4 X 14-1/4 inch rough opening. Both of these vents are manually operated.

If you are interested in a powered vent I recommend part # V2094SP-28, which has a 12V fan and opens with a hand operated crank. If you would prefer a vent with a powered lift and a wall switch, I recommend part # V2119-1-533. The powered systems I recommended require a 14-1/4 X 14-1/4 inch rough opening as well.

I also recommend the Installation Kit, part # 344270KITW. This kit includes the screws needed to install any of the vents I mentioned, as well as tape and caulk to provide a waterproof seal.

expert reply by:
Jeffrey L

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