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Best Option to Carry Two Kayaks on a Set of Yakima HD Bars  


I have the Yakima overhead HDBars 78”. Can I fit two Yakima showdowns for two kayaks.


Expert Reply:

Since the Yakima ShowDown # Y04081 is a saddle style carrier it's going to eat up more room than a J-style carrier and will limit you on how many you're going to be able to use.

I can't say for sure whether or not you'll be able to use two on one set of crossbars simply because we've never tried it, but honestly as long as you have the room you'll be able too.

Realistically the best option in this scenario is to use a set of J-style carriers like the Thule Compass Kayak Roof Rack w/ Tie-Downs # TH890000 which would only require you to use one set, and would work with two kayaks.

expert reply by:
Bryce D

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