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Troubleshooting A B&W Companion Draw Down Bolt That's Stuck  


Ive removed and installed the hitch 3 times with no problems, tried to uninstall it today by loosening the 3/4 torque bolt and it would only loosen up approximately a 1/4 turn. seems like its froze up or something?


Expert Reply:

If the draw down bolt for your B&W Companion 5th Wheel Trailer Hitch # BWRVK3500-5W is stuck it's most likely that the last time you installed it the threads got crossed and torqueing it down just made it jam up even worse. You can try spraying some silicone lube # RM-747 from the top and through the bottom of the socket post to help loosen up the bolt, but most likely you'll need to use a larger breaker bar to get enough leverage to get it out.

To replace the bolt you'll need a grade 8, 1/2"-13 x 3" hex cap bolt, which you should be able to find at your local hardware store.

expert reply by:
Kevin C

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