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Recommendations For Adding A Brake Controller To A 2008 Subaru Outback Wagon  


We just got a popup camper and were looking at getting a 2008 Subaru Outback to tow it. What would we need to add to the Outback for wiring? The camper has a 7 pin round plug with electric brakes. I think the Outback just has a 4 pin harness but Im not sure about that.


Expert Reply:

To get your 2008 Subaru Outback Wagon towing a trailer with a 7 Way and brakes, you will need a few parts. Already having the 4 Flat on your vehicle will help with getting wired up, so lets get started.

First will be the Universal Installation Kit for Trailer Brake Controller # ETBC7. This will piggyback off your existing 4 Flat and will up that to the needed 7 Way. This will include all the wiring that will need to run to the battery and inside of your Outback, as well as all the circuit breakers, brackets, and wire connectors. Once all this is connected and run, it will allow you to connect a controller, like the Redarc Tow-Pro Elite # RED44FR. I highly recommend this controller as it will have one of the cleanest looks once installed due to only the adjustment/manual override knob being visible. It is also very capable and can handle up to 6 brake assemblies (3 axles) and both electric brakes, which is what you will end up having on the pop up camper, and electric over hydraulic brakes. If I were to be setting my truck up with an aftermarket brake controller, this is the way I would go. We do have another option that people are really liking though.

That being the Curt Echo Wireless # C51180. This does still require the 7 Way, but actually needs less wiring and the # ETBC7L will cover you. All you will be doing is connecting a wire to the battery with a circuit breaker in line and then mounting the 7 Way, so it is a lot simpler than the # ETBC7. The # C51180 will then connect to you smartphone via the Curt Echo app, and you are good to go. The only downside is that the manual override will be handled by this app, and even with that, there is a workaround. The Manual Override Button # C83HR can be added and it will work in place of the app. You will still need to keep the app opened, but if you are on a call, handsfree of course, you will not need to try and find the app if it gets buried behind other things. Though I do prefer the hardwired Redarc # RED44FR, that is just personal preference and the Curt Echo # C51180 is a very nice way to go as well.

expert reply by:
Lazer S

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