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How Many Solar Panels Do I Need For My Camper Van Build  


I am doing a camper van build, can you tell me how many solar panels I need and why? I think I will go with a lithium battery but not sure.


Expert Reply:

Yes, we can help with this, but I suggest considering the needed wattage of solar instead of number of panels, as solar panels are measured in watts and can range from values of 100 watts or less, to several hundred watts depending on size and build. How many watts you need is relative to the amp hours (AH) of your battery/battery bank and what the actual useable stored energy is while comparing that to the expected rate of use.

Most battery banks for RV use will be either some type of lead acid chemistry or a lithium chemistry. The thing to note about lead acid chemistry, be it a deep cycle or AGM, is that the actual usable AH rating is about 50% of the total rate of the battery. While you can drain a lithium battery to near zero before voltage drops off, you can not do that with a lead acid chemistry battery. The voltage drops below the needed value by the time you use about half of the listed AH. So, a 100 AH lithium battery will actually provide 100 amp hours of useable energy, or at least close to it. But to get the same energy usage from a lead acid battery bank, you will a battery bank value starting at 200 AH.

You will then need to size your battery/battery bank against your electrical needs. This will be your actual usage each day in powering a ventilation fan, lights, water pump for sink/bathroom if equipped, recharging phones, tablets etc.. I will use the example of a 200 AH of lithium. My suggestion is to use a lithium battery bank, if that dollar amount is within your budget, and for a camper van set-up I would not do anything less than 200 AH. I recommend that you estimate at least a 1.5 watts of solar to each 1 AH of useable battery capacity (remember, 100AH Lithium = 200AH AGM). So if you do a 200 AH lithium battery bank, I suggest going with nothing less than 300 watts of solar. If space on the roof permits and budget allows, go for 400 watts of solar as this will help with cloudy days because the rating is under best conditions, you will not always be in the best of conditions for full sun.

For your 2020 Ford Transit T350 in a roof mounted system, I recommend the Go Power Solar Flex Charging System, # 34272630 and adding the Go Power Expansion Kit, # 34272634. The # 34272630 system includes a 110-watt solar panel, a 30-amp PWM solar controller, MC4 cables, and all the necessary installation hardware and the addition of the # 34272634 will let you expand. This will install anywhere on your RV roof with included mounting hardware. To maximize sunlight collection, it is important to install the panel where it avoids shadows cast by objects, like an air conditioner or vent. The panel uses MC4 cables to connect to the solar controller. The solar controller flush-mounts to a wall inside your RV. The manual includes a mounting template with measurements to ensure proper installation. It is wired to the solar panel using MC4 cables. Then, the battery bank is wired to the primary terminals on the controller.

Please note the linked help article below for additional information.

expert reply by:
Michael R

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