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Trailer Wiring and 5th Wheel Trailer Wiring for a 1999 Ford F-250  


I do a lot of towing both 5th wheel and bumper tow with a 99 F-250. Looking for a plug and play harness/s for both ends.


Expert Reply:

First, we can start with regular trailer wiring for the back of the truck. If the truck does not have any type of trailer connector then you would start be adding a 4-Way using # 18252. Then, to add a 7-Way you would need to use 4 and 7 way installation kit # ETBC7. This will provide a 7-Way while keep the 4-Way functional and it includes the wiring and accessories needed to add a brake controller.

Then to add a 7-Way in the bed of the truck for the 5th wheel trailer, you can use # 20027 which is an extension loop and plug it into the 7-Way at the back when needed.

If the truck came with a factory 4-Way you can add a 7-Way using # 118243 which includes the relays and fuses you will need to add to make it fully functional. Then you could use in-bed 5th wheel harness # PK11893-11932.

If the truck has a 7-Way then to add in-bed wiring for the 5th wheel use # PK11893-11932 and you will not need anything else. I have included some videos and other links to help.

For a brake controller, I recommend the P2 # 90885. If the truck has a 4-Way or 7-Way from the factory use harness # 3035-P to install the brake controller. Or if it does not have any wiring harness and you did the ETBC7 installation you will not need the 3035-P harness and will follow the FAQ I linked.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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