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Is the Curt Stabilizer Strap Required to Carry Swagman XTC2 Tilt on 2013 Hyundai Genesis  


I bought the Curt hitch receiver and Swagman XTC2 TILT Bike Rack. Is the rack high enough to mount the strap without touching the factory spoiler on my Genesis Coupe?


Expert Reply:

The Swagman XTC2 TILT Bike Rack for 2 Bikes - 1-1/4" and 2" Hitches - Frame Mount # S64671 has a 3" shank rise, so a lot of this depends on how tall your bikes are since you'll be securing the bike by the cross bar; as long as the cross bar of your bike is taller than the spoiler it shouldn't interfere.

If you're not going to clear the spoiler you can go without the Curt Cam Buckle Stabilizing Strap for Hitch-Mounted Accessories # 18050, as Curt no longer requires the stabilizer strap on 1-1/4" receivers. You might still be able to use it if it's close and not going to be putting much pressure on the spoiler, but you'll have to make that judgment.

expert reply by:
Erik B

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