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Replacement Brake Drums and Brake Assembly Parts for Lance 1685 Travel Trailer  


Trying to verify that I am ordering the correct part and all the parts I need Trailer has Dexter Torflex suspension. The drums are 10 by 2 1/4 and have 5 lugs that measure 2 5/8 inch apart. The four brake backing plate holes measure 2 7/8 inch apart. I cant find any info that says my axle is 3.5k but I do have axle part number, found in middle of axle tube , dexter axle 153523591. My old brakes look good but magnets are badly worn and they have scarred the drums. The drums do have a number 8-247 on them.


Helpful Expert Reply:

Given the wheel bolt pattern and the 8-247 that's cast into your existing brake drums, you have a 3500 lb axle. Assuming you have E-Z Lube spindles with the grease zerks in the end, you'd want to use the
# AKHD-545-35-EZ-K hub/drums you looked at. If you have standard spindles, use # 84546UC3.

At the very least, you'd want to replace your brake magnets, if they've got grooves worn into them as they won't get a good contact with the new drums for effective braking. If your brake assemblies are from Dexter, you'd use the # BP01-110 replacement magnet (sold individually) and the # BP04-095 replacement brake shoes/linings (you'll want to go ahead and replace the brake shoes/linings while you're in there). You'll need one set per wheel.

Replacing the magnets and the linings and shoes will go a long way toward the cost of simply replacing the whole brake assemblies, which is why I usually just recommend replacing those instead of doing it piece by piece. I'd recommend the Dexter # 23-468-469 self adjusting brake assemblies which includes both the left and the right assembly. This way you'll have all-new parts and you know for a fact that your brakes will be good to go for quite some time.

expert reply by:
Mike L

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