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Is Roadmaster RM-88400 Brake Lite Relay Necessary to Flat Tow 2018 Buick Envision  


Will I need the brake relay RM 88400 with a RViBrake 3 or other portable, proportional braking systems?


Helpful Expert Reply:

According to Roadmaster, you won't need the # RM-88400 brake light relay for a portable braking system. You will however need a brake lamp switch like # RM-751482 and a 12-v outlet like # RM-9332 if the braking system you choose does't include one.

Because Buick recommends that two fuses be pulled for flat towing, I'd also recommend the Roadmaster fusemaster, part # RM76512 which will allow you to bypass those fuses with the flick of a switch instead of needing to locate and pull them each time (and remembering to put them back in afterwards).

You'll also need a tow bar, base plates, a wiring solution and perhaps a high/low adapter if the height difference between the installed base plate and the receiver on the motorhome is greater than 3 inches. If you'd like some recommendations, let me know. I'd be happy to help.

expert reply by:
Mike L

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