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Parts Needed to Complete a Flat Tow Set Up on a 2018 Jeep JK Wrangler  


i already have roadmaster blackhawk tow bars what else do i need to flat tow


Expert Reply:

To complete your flat tow setup on the 2018 Jeep JK Wrangler along with the Black Hawk tow bar you need the following:

Braking System - If your motor home has hydraulic brakes I recommend Demco SBS Stay-IN-Play DUO Supplemental Braking System - Proportional Item # SM99251. This is a proportional braking system which matches the braking pressure applied from the RV , is very easy to use by simply flipping the switch on when ready to tow, can be mounted anywhere on the vehicle, and is a more permanent install.

If you RV has Air brakes I recommend Demco SBS Air Force One Supplemental Braking System for Motor Homes with Air Brakes - Proportional Item # SM99243. I provided a link to a video to help walk you through the instillation. The video is on a 2018 Unlimited however the install will be the same.

Base Plate - Roadmaster Direct-Connect Base Plate Kit - Removable Arms Item # RM-521448-5. I provided a link to a video to help walk you through the instillation process.

Tow Bar Wiring - I recommend Roadmaster 4-Diode Universal Wiring Kit for Towed Vehicles - 7-Wire to 6-Wire Straight Cord Item # RM-152-98146-7. This kit allows your Jeep to receive the proper light functions from the motor home while being flat towed while protecting your factory wiring from any back feed. It also allows you to utilize the factory taillights on the Jeep so it is virtually unseen once installed. The straight 7- 6 pole cable can be ran through the channels on the Black Hawk tow bar to prevent damage. I provided a link to a video to help walk you through the instillation. The video is on a 2018 JK Unlimited however the install will be the same.

Safety Cables - I recommend Roadmaster 64" Single Hook, Straight Safety Cables - 8,000 lbs Item # RM-645. The straight cables can be ran through the channels along with the 7 - 6 pole wire on the Black Hawk tow bar to prevent damage.

Stop Light Switch - I recommend Roadmaster Stop Light Switch Kit Item # RM-751490. This switch is needed because the factory brake wire cannot be tied into and the braking system requires a brake signal. I provided a link to a video to help walk you through the instillation. It is on a JL however the installation will be the same.

expert reply by:
Shane H

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