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Recommended Axle-Less Suspension System for Haulmark TS6X12DS2  


I have a 2008 hallmark enclosed trailer model TS6X12DS2 and I need a new axle. It is a 4” with 5 on 4 1/2bolt pattern. It has leaf springs that measure 70” on center with a measurement of 80” to the hub faces.


Expert Reply:

We do have an option for you, but do not carry any axles of that specification. Instead, for your Haulmark TS6X12DS2 I recommend the Timbren Axle-Less Suspension System, which are simply bolted or welded so you do not have to worry about finding an axle that meets any specific measurements. You can also get one with a straight spindle or a lift spindle:

- Timbren Axle-Less Trailer Suspension System - Straight Spindle Only - 3,500 lbs # ASR3500S05

- Timbren Axle-Less Trailer Suspension System - 4" Lift Spindle - 3,500 lbs # ASR3500S06

Both of these systems will work with a hub that has a 5 on 4-1/2" bolt pattern, the Dexter Trailer Idler Hub Assembly # 84545UC1-EZ.

The Timbren Axle-Less system offers you an improved ride compared to a traditional through-axle because the Timbrens work independently so if there is a bump on one side of the road it won't rattle your entire trailer. The Timbren system also gives a better ride because they have progressive springs that absorb shock better than a traditional axle.

I have added a link to a couple video reviews for you to check out as well.

expert reply by:
Kyle S

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