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What is Difference Between 7-Way Extensions # 50-67-210 and # TLW6510  


Why is there such a big difference in the price between part# 50-67-210 and part# tlw6510 ? Thanks


Expert Reply:

The two harnesses you mentioned are made by two different companies who have just happen to price things differently. I wouldn't say there's a big quality difference between the # 50-67-210 and # TLW6510 but the # TLW6510 is two feet longer and has a female 7-way on one end and a male on the other. This is more to be used as an extension from a vehicle to a trailer whereas the # 50-67-210 has a male end on both sides. This type of extension is normally seen between a tow vehicle and vehicle that is being flat towed.

expert reply by:
Jameson C

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