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Determining How Much Pressure Should be Put in Air Lift LoadLIfter 5000 Air Springs  


What pressure should I put on my bags towing a 5th wheel montana weighing about 13000 pounds


Expert Reply:

The Air Lift LoadLifter 5000 Ultimate Air Helper Springs # AL88299 feature air springs that can be adjusted from 5 psi to 100 psi.

There isn't a specific inflation level that is recommend for your 13,000 pound 5th Wheel Trailer because it will depend on numerous factors such as the capacity of your truck and the pin weight of the trailer. A truck with a lower capacity will sag more when coupled resulting in the need for more air pressure. The exact weight that you have up at the front of the trailer that will be pushing down on the truck will also contribute to this.

It sounds simple but the best pressure is simply whatever number (within the bag's range) is needed to keep the rear of your truck level when hooked up. It may be a bit of a trial and error the first time you hook up but after that you should know the number for each subsequent trip.

Adding a compressor kit like the Air Lift Load Controller # AL25592 will allow you to easily adjust the springs from the comfort of your cab.

expert reply by:
Chris R

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