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Will Malone T-Slot Mounting Kits Fit an ARB Awning Bracket  


Im looking at the Malone AirFlow2 Roof Rack - Aero Crossbars - Raised, Factory Side Rails - Aluminum - 50inch Long for my sons 2011 ford escape XLT 4x4 he has factory roof racks but is needing ones with a T-slot to mount a ARB Awning on the side his factory ones will not allow a flush mount to them due to the shape. I like that the Malone AirFlow2 Roof Rack - Aero Crossbars have the T-channel in them that would allow him to use the ARB Universal Awning Roof Rack Bracket to be bolted to the rack. do you carry the t-bolts that fit the Malone AirFlow2 Roof Rack? or know the part number of the correct t-bolts that work with it? I see you have Aero Crossbar T-Slot Mounting Kit for Malone Kayak and Surfboard Carriers is that the only ones you have or is there a better one to use? Item # MPG915


Expert Reply:

Aero Crossbar T-Slot Mounting Kit # MPG915 is one of the kits that fit the Malone AirFlow 2 crossbars but it isn't the only one. There is also # MPG8287 which has longer bolts and a set of 4 of each part. There is also # MPG1498 with bolts that are in between the lengths of the other 2 kits.

The bolts are not T-bolts. The way that it works is the square nuts slide into the T-Slot on a bar and the bolts will go down through the accessory being mounted and then thread into those square nuts.

I know the ARB bracket you are talking about but what I do not know is the diameter of the holes that the bolts will go through. The bolts included with each of the above kits are M8 bolts (8mm). Just make sure that the holes in the brackets will accept bolts that size.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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