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Cold Side Brake Switch Wire Location and Tow Bar Wiring for a 2013 Ford Explorer V6 with LED Lights  


Will this work with the 2013 Explorer XLT V-6 with diode rear lights? P.S. Im having to trouble finding the cold side brake wire on this vehicle! Not like the brake pedal switch that was on my 2004 Explorer


Expert Reply:

I will be happy to help you out. First, for the brake switch wire, it should be a purple and white wire at the brake switch. Use a circuit tester such as # PTW2993 to confirm.

The 6-diode kit # 154-792-118158 can be used on vehicles that have LED lights. The diodes in the kit act as a gate only letting power from 2 separate sources only go one way along the wire to prevent back feeding. I have linked a video showing an example installation for you.

I checked the owner's manual for the 2013 Ford Explorer and there are no fuses that have to be pulled to flat tow it behind a motor home so you would not need a fuse bypass such as # RM76512. This FuseMaster is for vehicles which must have two ATM mini or two ATM micro fuses (not included) removed.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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