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Can An 8 Inch Trailer Wheel Be Switched With A 12 Inch Trailer Wheel?  


I just assembled my ecolight trailer and was wondering if I could replace the 8 wheels with the 12 if I removed the fenders? Will the 12 bolt onto the original hub? Thanks.


Expert Reply:

There are a couple of things to consider if you decide to swap out your 8" trailer wheel like the Kenda 4.80/4.00-8 Bias Trailer Tire with 8" White Wheel # AM30060, with a larger 12" tire like the Aluminum Spoke Wheel for Malone MicroSport and MicroSportXT Trailer # MPG469.

The first, which it sounds like you've already thought about is the height issue. When going from an 8" wheel to a 12" wheel you are going to gain about 4" of additional wheel diameter.

Since you've already mentioned you're planning on removing the fenders, this should take care the height concern.

The other thing to consider is the susceptibility to trailer sway. Although this may seem obvious, and you may have already also thought about this, but with your trailer sitting higher, you are going to be more subject to trailer sway since the center of gravity will be raised.

With all these things considered, as long as the bolt pattern matches, yes you can swap your current 8" wheel with a 12" should you choose to do so.

expert reply by:
Bryce D

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