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Recommendation for Roof Rack and Truck Bed Loader Extension for Kayak  


I would like a extender that will function BOTH as a high mount for my CRV while allowing the hatch to open and be converted to a bed extender for my friends 2019 Toyota Tacoma. The MAIN purpose will be for carring a Old Town Loon in the CRV. Then what do you recommend for padding the crossbar to protect the yacht?


Expert Reply:

I recommend going with the Malone Axis Truck Bed and Roof Load Extender with Load Roller # MAL32VR because it can be used both as a roof rack or truck bed extender and it comes with a loader that not only helps with loading/unloading but it means you don't need a separate pad for your boat.

When used in conjunction with your 2014 Honda CR-V you won't be able to open up your rear hatch but that's the case with any roof load extender - they sit too close for you to open up the hatch.

If you don't already have a kayak carrier I recommend checking out the Malone SeaWing Kayak Carrier with Tie-Downs # MPG107MD which will clamp onto your roof rack crossbars and allow you to load the kayak from the rear of your CR-V using that roller on the Malone Axis.

Review videos have been linked for you to check out.

expert reply by:
Jon G

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