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Radio Frequency Range Of The Tire Monitoring System Flow Through Tire Sensors  


I have a 28foot travel trailer. The distance between the rear tire and the trucks windshield is 35. What is the actual RF distance of this system? The rear axle on a 25foot trailer would be ~ 18foot from the rear wheels to the ball, plus 15foot for a standard pickup from the hitch to the windshield or ~33foot linear feet vs my 35. So what is the real operational RF range for this monitors, and could this unit be use on my trailer/truck combination.


Expert Reply:

The TST TPMS for RVs - Grayscale Display - Signal Booster - 4 Flow Through Tire Sensors # TST-507-FT-4 can be used on your set up.

Range on the sensor can vary depending on the specific environment and conditions at hand. It will be, in the perfect at best conditions, about 60 linear feet.

However if you do have signal issues you can rectify those with the Signal Booster / Repeater for TST TPMS
Item # TST-507-R.

The TST TPMS for RVs - Color Display - Signal Booster - 6 Flow Through Tire Sensors # TST-507-FT-6-C is the same system but has a color monitor and is easier to read and see.

I have linked a review and install guide video to further help you with this product.

expert reply by:
David B

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