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Recommended Suspension Enhancement For Towing a Jayco Eagle 332CBOK With a 2020 Ford F-250  


What Air bag system would be best for a 2020 f250 4x4 towing a 11 pound travel trailer bumper pull


Expert Reply:

I recommend the Air Lift LoadLifter 5000 Ultimate Air Springs w/ Internal Bumpers # AL35FJ for your 2020 Ford F-250. These air springs have an internal jounce bumper that will help improve ride quality under heavy load and provide additional stability when unloaded.

To control the air pressure in your bags I recommend the Air Lift WirelessAIR Compressor System # AL74000EZ. This will allow you to easily adjust the air pressure from either the wireless remote or your smart phone with the Air Lift app. It also has a smart feature that will maintain the air pressure to within 3 psi of your desired setting so you do not have to constantly monitor the pressure for changes.

You should consider using a Equal-i-zer Weight Distribution System # EQ64FR as this will help with leveling your F-250 when you are towing your Jayco Eagle as well as provide sway control. If you only require the load leveling when you are towing your Jayco this really is the best option for you. It appears that you have a Eagle 332CBOK which has a dry tongue weight of 1,325lbs so this equalizer is rated for tongue weights of 1,200-1,600lbs to give you the best ride quality. You will need a 1-7/8" 12pt Thin Walled Socket # ALL643216 to install the included 2-5/16" hitch ball.

expert reply by:
Bud M
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