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Replacement Spindle And Hub For 6,000 lb Axle on Boat Trailer  


Hi, I have a 2002 Prestige 260 boat trailer and looking to replace my hubs and possibly the spindles not sure if they are replaceable. The axles on the trailer are Reliable Axle 6000# Torsion with disk brakes Caliper # CL-1000. If it helps, i used the BK3-310 bearing kit you sell. I hope this information helps and let me know if you need any more info. Thank you!


Expert Reply:

The information was helpful, thank you, and spindles are replaceable, they just need to be welded on by a qualified professional. In regards to the hub, there are a couple of options, depending on your current hub's bolt pattern. Basically, just if your current wheels fit hubs with 6 lugs or 8 lugs.

So for a replacement spindle and accompanying hub for a 6,000 lb axle, here is what you will need:

- #42 E-Z Lube Spindle with Flange for 5.2K to 7K Trailer Axles # TRU37FR

- 6 on 5-1/2" Bolt Pattern: Trailer Idler Hub Assembly # 8-213-51UC1-EZ
- 8 on 6-1/2" Bolt Pattern: Trailer Hub Assembly # 8-231-50UC1-EZ

I have added some links below to video reviews for you to check out as well if you'd like to take a look.

expert reply by:
Kyle S

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