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Installation Hardware To Insatll Draw-Tite 75148 Class III Trailer Hitch on a 2005 Nissan Murano  


Do I need to install an Armature if I install this hitch on my Murano? I called nissan to get a quote, and they insist I must have the armature. I will only be hauling a small trailer with a 2 person boat on it, or kayaks, at the most, 300 pounds, trailer included. Thanks!


Expert Reply:

Everything you need to install the Draw-Tite # 75148 Trailer Hitch is included with the hitch. I have not heard of any armature or other parts that are needed to install the hitch or for the hitch to perform properly. As long as you stay within the Hitch or vehicle towing capacity whichever is less you will have no problem towing with this hitch. The reason Nissan mentions a hitch armature is that their hitch requires a cutout in the bumper, while the Draw-Tite actually sits below the bumper. You'll find that the aftermarket Draw-Tite hitch is much less expensive than what Nissan is offering.

Instructions and a video for installing the custom fit trailer hitch on a 2005 Nissan Murano are linked for you, and neither one show any part needed other than the included hardware. If you watch the video and read the instructions before hand you will not have any surprises when installing the hitch. Using a tie down strap when lowering the exhaust is a good tip that will make the install easier and protect the exhaust.

The only items you may need in addition to the hitch is a properly sized ballmount, trailer ball and trailer wiring.

Trailer wiring harness with 4 pin trailer connector # 55571
Ball mount # C45010
2 inch trailer bal # 63845
1-7/8 inch trailer ball # 19260

expert reply by:
Bob G

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