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Can I Use the Roadmaster Tire Carrier with a Stowaway Cargo Box Attached to RV  


I have a 2019 Sprinter 2500 RWD with a hitch tongue capacity of 500 pounds. My RV is a 2020 Pleasureway Ascent. I want to add a spare tire carrier to the van and saw the RM-195125 as a possible solution. I also use the Stowaway Swinging out cargo box. A couple of questions. 1. The QandA indicates that the use of the tire carrier will reduce the tongue capacity by 33. I just want to confirm that the available tongue capacity is reduced by 33 and not lowered to 33 - the available tongue capacity would be 333 pounds? The Stowaway weighs 47 pounds and has a max loaded capacity of 250 pounds for a max load of 297 pounds fully loaded. The tire carrier weighs 40 pounds so the total would be 337 pounds at max capacity which is virtually the 333 pounds available. Most likely the box will never be fully loaded. Is the available 333 pound max capacity of the 500 pound hitch correct? 2. I probably will need to add a hitch extender to have the Stowaway cargo box clear the tire carrier as the cargo box will be furthest out from the van with the tire carrier between the rear doors and the box. Does the use of a hitch extender reduce the available tongue capacity further? 3. Does the tire carrier rotate both left and right to lower the spare tire? This way the rear doors can be opened when the carrier is rotated to one side or the other. 4. Is there another solution etrailer sells to allow the use the Stowaway cargo box with a spare tire carrier?


Expert Reply:

We may have an alternate solution for you on this, but the long story short here is that we don't have anything that will make this work in the manner you're looking for.

You're correct that the Roadmaster # RM-195125 would lower the tongue weight capacity of your hitch by 33%, and not down to 33% so you'd still be able to carry roughly 337-lbs total, so the answer to your first question is yes- this is correct. In looking at the calculations, the weight of the tire would also need to be taken into consideration. From just glancing at the 2020 Pleasureway Ascent it looks like you can expect roughly 50-60lbs total weight for the tire, but that's a very rough estimate. I'll also add here, that the carrier does rotate/pivot to either side of the coach, so you would be able to open both rear doors.

Your second question is where things are going to get dicey, because adding a hitch extender like the # C45791 is going to further reduce the capacity of the hitch by 50%, which would really put a kink in the calculations. The best solution would be to add a roof rack like the SeaSucker Monkey Bars Roof Rack - Vacuum Cup Mount - 48" Long # 298-SX6000B and a roof basket like the # 288-09200 to carry either the cargo or the spare tire.

I've linked some review videos of these parts for you to have a look at, but from what I was able to determine with my research, this is going to be the best available solution.

expert reply by:
Erik B

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