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Troubleshooting Tekonsha TK90160 Brake Controller Displaying SH Error Code  


Display reads intermittently. I see no visible breaks in the wiring. How do I fix this


Expert Reply:

The SH error code in your # TK90160 Tekonsha Primus Brake Controller indicates that there's a short somewhere in the brake output circuit. This short can exist in the wiring that joins the controller to the vehicle, in the wiring between the vehicles's tow package connection under the dash and the trailer connector, in the connectors, in the wiring on the trailer or the brake magnets themselves could be worn which causes a short circuit. Since you've looked over the wires, we can skip that.

One of the most common culprits is the trailer connector on the vehicle or the connector on the trailer. If either connector is damaged or has corrosion built up in it, it can cause a short. Look carefully at the brass contacts. If you see any green or white corrosion, chances are that the corrosion has spread to the internals of the connector and is causing problems. If the corrosion is minor, you could clean the contacts with some sandpaper or emery cloth. If it's more severe, you could need to replace the connector on the vehicle or on the trailer. If that checks out, pull the hubs and visually examine the face of the brake magnets that ride against the inside armature surface of the brake drums. If you can see any of the copper wire that's encased in the magnets, that's what's causing your short. Replace the magnets and you'll be good to go.

I've linked you to our Brake Controller Troubleshooting article that contains more information.

expert reply by:
Mike L

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