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Replacement Taillight for Heritage Boat Trailer  


I have a Heritage boat trailer and the rear light on the right doesnt work..Do i have to buy a whole new assembly or just the bulb and how to I replace it the bulb is inside a waterproof clear plastic cover and I cant see how to disconnect the whole assembly from the wiring?


Expert Reply:

If you're speaking of the # 106410 Wesbar Combination trailer tailllight, this particular lamp has a removable lens, and an interior capsule that can be removed by loosening 4 screws which will allow you to change the bulb. Some of the earlier versions used a self-contained capsule that needed to be replaced in entirety, but those are obsolete and are no longer available. Some of those lamps used a ground wire that attached to the trailer frame and two wires that terminated in a 2 pin connector, and some used 3 bare wires, so if you traced the wiring toward the front of the trailer, you'll find the point where the lamps connect to the trailer's wiring harness. If the # 106410 lamp is what you have, and you need to replace the bulbs, we offer the 193 bulb as part # A194B and the 1157 bulb as part # DI79VR.

If you're speaking of a different taillight, The procedure will really depend on which lamp your trailer uses. A ready reference that would tell us what exact taillight was used on your particular trailer doesn't exist, I'm sorry to say. If you have a different taillight than the # 10640, please reply with a photo along with any numbers or letters that are printed/stamped onto the lamp housing (not the lens).

If you need to replace the lamps, I'd recommend going with the LED equivalent, part # STL16RB for the passenger side and # STL17RB for the driver side. LED lamps draw just a fraction of the power that a comparable incandescent lamp and last much longer.

expert reply by:
Mike L

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