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What is Needed to Haul 2 Kayaks With the Darby Hitch Extender and Crossbar Kit  


I have a 2012 Ford F-150 supercab. I have to carry two tandem kayaks that are 13.5’ long and 32” wide. Can I pair this with something to store them diagonally like the Thule kayak supports or something? Not sure what would attach well to it.


Expert Reply:

The Darby Hitch Extender and Crossbar kit part # DTA944-968-924 comes with a foam block and straps to secure one kayak. For a second foam block you'd could use the Malone foam block # MPG172 and then for straps you'd want the part # TH521. You'll need a quantity of two of the strap kits since the Darby does not include any.

expert reply by:
Jameson C

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