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Comparing the Single-Axle Trailer Hanger Kits for Double-Eye Springs APS1, APS2, and APS3  


How do you decide on which Hanger Kit to use APS1, APS2, or APS3? I know that the different kits have different clearance between frame and axle. What are the clearance for each kit? I was thinking of using a 205451-ez-72-15 axle, SP-124275 springs with 13inch tires. What would be a good clearance to have?


Helpful Expert Reply:

When choosing between the Single-Axle Trailer Hanger Kit for Double-Eye Springs part # APS1, part # APS2, and part # APS3 it will be best to use the one that has measurements that most closely resemble what is already on your trailer. For example, if your rear leaf spring hangers are 7/8" tall or shorter than you would want to use part # APS1 but if they are taller then this you would want to use part # APS2 or part # APS3. The only difference between the two latter kits is that part # APS2 has 2-5/8" long shackle straps whereas part # APS3 has 3-1/8" long shackle straps. Therefore, the kit with a longer shackle strap will work better with a slightly shorter leaf spring whereas the kit with a shorter shackle strap will work better with a slightly longer leaf spring.

If you are building a trailer and using the Dexter Trailer Axle w/ Idler Hubs part # 20545I-EZ-72-15 then I recommend you pair this with the 3-Leaf Double-Eye Spring for 2,000-lb Trailer Axles part # e84SR and the Single-Axle Trailer Hanger Kit for Double-Eye Springs part # APS3.

The clearance you will have between the center of the axle and bottom of the frame while using the above leaf spring and axle in the underslung position is 4-1/2" on the low side for part # APS1 and 4-1/2" on the high side for part # APS2 and part # APS3 but these are just estimates and will vary depending on how much weight you have on the trailer. The shackle strap will make up for the difference in hanger height between part # APS2 and part # APS3.

It is not exactly possible to give an exact clearance for each of these kits as there are just too many factors involved. I have attached a list of our 13" wheel/tire combos for you as well.

expert reply by:
Conner L

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