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How to Determine if a 7K Dexter Trailer Axle Hub has 1/2 Inch or 9/16 Inch Studs  


I need to replace the hub assembly - bearings and all - on one 7000# Dexter EZ Lube axle on a tri-axle toyhauler. What are the differences between the 1/2inch stud and 9/16inch stud assemblies? Are the 1/2inch stud assembly and the 9/16inch stud assembly interchangeable, with the 9/16inch simply being heavier-duty?


Expert Reply:

The only difference between the Dexter 7K hubs and hub and drum assemblies that have either 1/2 inch studs or 9/16 inch studs are the studs themselves. Otherwise they are exactly the same. You can use calipers such as # PTW80157 to measure the diameter of the studs you have.

Or you can check the hubs you have for any numbers stamped into them. If you see a 219-04 or 219-09 then it has 1/2 inch studs. If you see a 219-13 or 219-18 they are 1/2 inch. It is also possible that this information is stamped into the axle beam or on a plate on the axle or even on the trailer's ID tag near the front of the trailer somewhere on the frame.

If you determine that you have 9/16 inch studs then you can use # AKHD-865-7-1-EZ-K. If they are 1/2 inch studs use # AKHD-865-7-2-EZ-K.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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