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When Is the Battery Used On The Roadmaster Even Brake Braking System # RM-9400  


With the 9400 in tow, is the battery in constant use or only when the brakes are depressed?


Expert Reply:

On the Roadmaster Even Brake Portable Proportional Braking System, part # RM-9400, the battery will have a minimal drain on the battery at all times because it uses a constant self-diagnostic test on the system at all times and transmits the testing info to the wireless monitor. The monitor will show you that the Even Brake system is fully operational. The drain on the battery would be very minimal when it is doing the self-diagnostic testing.

It also has a Power Save low battery protection feature that will send LED and LCD alerts to the wireless monitor when the battery gets low, giving you time to recharge the battery. If the battery voltage gets too low the system will go into the sleep mode, but will retain emergency braking power.

The battery is not always in use when the brakes are depressed. When the brakes are depressed it will be the air pressure from the air compressor that is in use to apply the brakes. The battery will only be in use when the air compressor will need to be recharged, which would happen anytime the air pressure will drop below a certain limit.

expert reply by:
Jeff D

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