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Comparing Draw Tite and Curt 18 Inch Hitch Extenders  


The difference in cost between the Draw-Tite and Curt 18inch hitch extenders is $42. Is there a quality difference? What is the wall thickness of the hollow tube portion of each? Do they both reduce 50%? Thanks.


Helpful Expert Reply:

One of the differences between Draw Tite adapter # HE18 and the Curt model # C45796 is the length. They both have 18" between hitch pin hole and the ball hole, the Curt is overall a bit longer. The Curt has an overall length 23-1/4" and the Draw Tite is 22-7/8. This difference would not make a differenc.

On the Curt the shank that fits into the 2 inch receiver is solid and the Draw Tite is hollow.

Regarding the tongue weight capacity reductions: They both state a capacity reduction of 50 percent. In general, the use of an extender or adapter reduces the capacity by 50 percent. Some manufactures have recently stated lower reductions. Until it is explicitly stated by the manufacturer that you choose, the reduction will be assumed to be 50 percent.

The tongue weight capacity reduction has nothing to do with the steel thickness. It has to do with leverage. The longer the item in the hitch receiver the more force applied to it.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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