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Can Bow Rollers Installed on Ranger Trail Boat Trailer Handle Weight or Only Guide Boat Loading  


I have a 395vs ranger just bought the rollers on the front are they just for guides or can you put a little weight on them? Thanks.


Helpful Expert Reply:

Thank you for providing the photo of your boat and trailer and the bow guide rollers you have just installed. Without knowing the particular item you purchased or its rated capacity I cannot give you any 100-percent assurances.

I can advise that typically the rollers found at the bow end of a trailer are there for guiding the craft to its correct position on the trailer and not for bearing much of its weight. Typical power boats will have a much lighter bow than stern (due to the engine's weight being concentrated in the rear) and this means that most of the boat's weight load will be on the rear of the trailer and its roller or carpeted bunks.

expert reply by:
Adam R
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