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Can I Install Trailer Wheels on my Truck to Match my Trailer  


So I bought 22660 hd rim for my fiver ,just curious if I bought another set with the lower 80 psi rateing could I mount a passenger tire to the wheel and run them on my Silverado, matching,truck and trailer rims


Expert Reply:

You could use the Americana Aluminum Split Spoke Trailer Wheels, # AM22659HWT, on your Silverado as long as the wheel will fit your tires and hubs and assuming everything remains under the weight capacities of your towing setup. This would include all components including tires, suspension, axle and hitch.

This is a 16 inch wheel that is 6-1/2 inches wide with an 8 on 6-1/2 inch bolt pattern and a zero offset. It has a weight rating of 3,640 lbs at 80 psi, but you will still be limited to the lowest rated component such as your wheels, suspension or axle. You will want to compare these specs to your current wheels. The 8 on 6-1/2 inch bolt pattern matches the wheels for the 2500 and 3500 models, but may not match if you have a 1500 model.

The offset is not as big of a deal on a truck because they usually have plenty of clearance, but you will want to keep in mind that it could be different. The offset determines how far the wheel and tire will sit out from the hub. If your current wheels with a positive offset, then these wheels will sit anywhere from 1/2 inch to 1 inch further out depending on which wheels you currently have. If your wheels have a negative offset, then the wheels will sit that much further in toward the truck frame.

These wheels would match the Americana Heavy-Duty Split Spoke Trailer Wheels, # AM22660HWT, on your trailer.

expert reply by:
John H

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