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Will Loaded Hollywood Racks Over-the-Top Rack Interfere with Trailer Towed by 2014 Subaru Forester  


Hi I am interested in purchasing the HRF2-3 bike rack. Can you please inform me what the length will be from the the car to the end of the bicycle carrier as I want to make sure it will fit when I tow our camper trailer. I am worried that it might be too long and that I will not get the bikes on as the camper trailer will be in the way. I have a Subaru Forester 2014 which has a spoiler hence I think this will be a good bike rack to use as long as the distance from the car to the end of the bike carrier part is not too long.


Expert Reply:

There are a few factors that will determine how far back the bikes will be from the rear of your 2014 Subaru Forester. The bike in the last position could be as much as 36 inches from the end of the vehicle to the furthest out part of the bike. You can adjust the cradles to bring the bikes closer towards the vehicle.

And you can also use a longer ball mount so that the trailer is a little further back. If you have the factory Class I Subaru hitch then you could use ball mount # C45019 which is 9-3/4 inches from the center of the pin hole to the center of the ball hole.

If you have a Class II hitch # C45000 is the longest at 13-1/2 inches but it can only be used in the rise position.

And if you have a 2-inch trailer hitch receiver opening then you can use ball mount # EA40 which is 14-5/8 inches long from hitch pin hole to ball hole on center.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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