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Recommended 5th Wheel Hitch for a 2000 Dodge Ram Pickup With a Wooden Flat Bed  


i am looking to install a 5th wheel hitch in my truck, 2000 Dodge 3500 4WD Stake Body. The bed sits 41 from grade, the top of the bed made of wood, bazilian apitong sits 8 3/4 above the top of truck frame rails. I am looking for a 5th wheel rail kit that can be installed in this configuration, to pull a 5th wheel travel trailer. I can include photos but dont have that option on this comment.


Expert Reply:

There is not going to be a 5th wheel that'll work with the current setup you have. Instead, you're going to have to first install the B&W Turnoverball Underbed Gooseneck Trailer Hitch for Flatbed Trucks # BWGNRK1500.

This is going to install into your trucks flat bed and will allow you to then use the B&W Companion Flatbed Gooseneck-to-5th-Wheel Trailer Hitch Adapter # BWRVK3050.

This hitch is rated for 25,000 lbs, has a vertical load limit of 6,250 lbs, and is made in the USA.

The upside of having to first use the B&W Turnoverball hitch is that you can also use a gooseneck hitch if you wanted. The ball would fit in the hole the Companion drops into, so if in the future you needed to tow a gooseneck trailer you'd be all set.

expert reply by:
Bryce D

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