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Recommended Travel Trailer Rated Bike Rack for Two Trek Verve+ E-Bikes  


Looking for bike rack to go on the back of our Airstream trailer. Needs to be light. Current rack is a Yakama where I remove the wheels. Getting old. Bikes are a Trek Verve+ electric and it has fenders. 2nd bike is an older Trek without fenders. Current rack is about 35 pounds. Im looking at theRockyMounts MonoRail Bike Rack for 2 Bikes - 2 Hitches - Wheel Mount. Will it work with the fendered bike? Any recommendations.


Expert Reply:

The RockyMounts MonoRail Bike Rack item # RKY10004 is not rated for use behind a travel trailer like your Airstream. You are going to need a bike rack that is built specifically to withstand the extra turbulence and vibrations that happen when you use a bike rack on a travel trailer.

For your two Trek Verve+ e-bikes, I recommend the Swagman E-Spec Bike Rack item # S94FR and the Swagman Bike Frame Adapter Bar item # S57FR if yours is a step through style. If you have the models with the top tube you won't need the adapter bar. The padded hooks on ratcheting arms will hold your bikes securely by the frame. If yours are step through then the adapter bar will connect to the seat post and the stem post. The 35 lbs weight capacity does not apply to platform bike racks.

This bike rack has a 70 lbs per bike capacity and weighs 68 lbs. There are no lighter bike racks, rated to be used with a travel trailer, that won't damage your fenders. The Kuat Transfer V2 Bike Rack item # KU84FR would be the only other bike rack to consider but there is a possibility of damage to your fenders. It weighs 37 lbs and has a 60 lbs per bike capacity.

I have linked some review videos below so you can see the functions of these bike racks being demonstrated.

expert reply by:
Jerred H

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