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Troubleshooting Kwikee 32 Series RV Steps That Randomly Extend And Retract  


The trouble with our steps is when they open and close. After they open and close, the steps go in and out 3 to 6 inches, 2 to 4 times after the door is open or closed before stopping. They stay partly out after the door is closed. What is causing this problem? We have a 2011 Damon, Astoria. Thanks for any help.


Expert Reply:

It sounds to me like your control module could be failing but I recommend first checking your power to ensure that you're actually getting 12v at the steps and then checking to make sure the ground hasn't been compromised. A lack of power or a bad ground and make the steps malfunction.

If that doesn't solve your issue then the next step would be to replace the control module. If your Kwikee 32 Series steps were manufactured from 2006 or later, which I'm assuming is the case since your motorhome is a 2011, then the correct control module is # LC379146.

expert reply by:
Kevin C

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