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Connecting New Reverse Lights Wiring At Trailer Electrical Connector For a Dump Trailer  


I want to install reverse lights on my dump trailer. My truck has a 7 way plug and the lights have a red and black wire. I connected the light on right side to the left side and ran wires up to front of trailer. How do I hook to truck?


Expert Reply:

As long as your trailer has a 7-way you will more than likely have a Junction Box # 3375601101 that all the wiring from the 7-way will go into and connect to the trailer wiring. You will need to locate this box and find the wire for the reverse light circuit. This will typically be either the purple wire or yellow wire if your harness does not have a purple wire. A Test Light # PTW2993 can be used to verify that you are connecting to the correct wire.

If your trailer uses a 6-way connector you will need to replace it with a 7-Way Molded Trailer Wire Connector # H20044 so that you have all the wiring circuits needed as a 6-way connector does not have the provision for the reverse wire. We also have the Trailer Wiring 7-Way Upgrade Kit w/ Junction Box # HS381-9000 that would make it easier to add a 7-way if you don't have a junction box already with your dump trailer.

expert reply by:
Bud M
Trailer 7-Way Connector Wiring
Trailer 7-Way Connector Wiring
(click to enlarge)
Trailer 6-way Wiring
Trailer 6-way Wiring
(click to enlarge)

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