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Trailer Hitch Recommendation for a 2004 Dodge Ram Pickup with a Lower Bumper Trim Piece  


I watched your install video on the 2004 dodge ran, and my truck has a lower trim peice that is 1/2 inch from the bumper tube. Will this hitch work on my truch or is there a different model for my truck. Thanks, Jim


Helpful Expert Reply:

The Curt Class III Trailer Hitch, # 13333, is designed to bolt to the round bumper support bar just behind the bumper. Once installed, the receiver of the hitch will sit directly below the step in your rear bumper.

If the lower trim piece covers the underside of the rear bumper and the round bumper support (which appears to be the case according to your photo), then you could install the hitch, but you would need to cut the bumper trim piece for the hitch to fit.

If you do not want to cut the trim piece, you may be able to use the Draw-Tite Ultra Frame Hitch, # 41929. Although this hitch has not been tested on models with the lower trim piece, it was designed to fit on trucks that have an OEM hitch installed so the receiver for this hitch hangs further below the bumper. The lower hanging receiver may allow you to install the hitch without having to cut your trim piece.

You can determine if this receiver will fit on your truck by measuring. The top of the receiver on the Draw-Tite Ultra Frame hitch will sit 9 inches below the bottom of your truck frame (see photo). If the bottom of the trim piece on your bumper hangs less than 9 inches below the frame rail, then this hitch will work.

I have attached the installation instructions for both trailer hitches that I mentioned.

expert reply by:
John H
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