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Longer Snap Up Lever For Equal-i-Zer WD-Hitch  


I have the equalizer 4-way Weight Dist system 10,000 lbs. I am looking for a Replacement Snap-Up Lever - BUT what I am looking for is a *longer* one which will give more leverage. Any suggestions? I should add: I know the trick about raising the hitch up high to release the pressure. However, at my house the street is not level. So I can release one easily, but to do the other using this trick requires lifting the hitch so high the back wheels of my truck are off the ground, which cant be good for my frame or suspension.


Expert Reply:

I reached out to my contact at Progress Mfg. about your question. They do not have a longer lever bar and they do not recommend using what I would call a "cheater bar" to extend that bar for greater leverage. They suggested that when you pull into your neighborhood find a level spot and take off the weight distribution bars, then proceed to your house close by. That's what I was thinking too. My storage lot is 2 miles from home and I use a standard hitch to move it home for loading, then put my Equal-I-Zer on for travel.

Also, while looking for your answer this morning I found the Equal-I-Zer # EQ95-01-9430 replacement L-pins with the retention clip built in. If you struggle with those cotter pins, you will instantly see the value of these. Instead of having to insert the very tight cotter pins, you simple flip down the clip with one finger. I have attached a picture showing the new built-in pin.

expert reply by:
Les D
Equal-I-Zer Snap L-Pin One Finger Attached
Equal-I-Zer Snap L-Pin One Finger Attached
(click to enlarge)

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