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Recommendation for Adding a 3rd and 4th Propane Tank to Fifth Wheel Trailer  


My propane tank compartment is barely big enough for the 2 tanks and they are placed front to rear, which requires me to remove the whole stem and regulator to replace the rear tank. Id like to put a 2 tank holder in the compartment next to it but Im not sure what the best way is to plumb in the additional 2 tanks. Any suggestions?


Expert Reply:

Chaining 4 tanks together is not recommended. I instead would use two separate systems an you will want to make sure the two additional tanks can also sit upright and have proper ventilation. You can use base # 37207-31535 for both or # CAM57236 for each.

Then for the two tanks use the Camco Automatic Changeover 2-Stage Propane Regulator for Dual Propane Tanks # CAM59005. The hose coming from the regulator could be a quick connect like # CAM59853 to make changing between the 2 tank systems easy after the regulator. You don't want two regulators inline and this allows two tanks to have the auto changeover so you aren't without propane. Then to adapt to the other two tanks you can simply use the quick connect after that system's changeover regulator to have your functional system.

expert reply by:
Jason S
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