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Recommended Durable 7-way Trailer Connector Pigtail  


Do You have any brand recommendations that are better for long term harness flexibility, especially for cold weather use. Needing to replace my current one which has stress cracked at the connector. 4 to 7 feet required. Thanks.


Expert Reply:

Hopkins does a very good job of constructing their molded 7-way trailer connector pigtails for durability, I can highly recommend part # H20044, which is 6 feet long. The best way to connect this to existing wiring is to use a junction box like # 3375601101. A junction box allows you to tidy up the connections, protect them from the elements and provides an easy way to change out the pigtail in the future should it become damaged again.

One of the best ways to preserve the long term functionality is to not allow anyone to unplug it by grasping the cord, always do so by grasping the plug itself. It's also a great idea to protect the plug from the elements when its not being used. The trailer jack mounted # JET-30 is a handy item that will protect the plug from getting moisture in it.

I've linked to a typical installation video for a junction box.

expert reply by:
Mike L

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