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What is the Size of the Housing on the Valterra Deadbolt part # L32CS3108  


Will this dead bolt cover up the hole from a regular RV lock and will I have to add a handle to open and close the door?


Expert Reply:

The over all diameter on the Valterra Deadbolt Lock part # L32CS3108 is 2 3/8" and it has a 1" Throw bolt. This is a very common size for the doors of campers and rv's. It is designed for doors of varying thickness from 1 3/8" up to 1 3/4". The stainless steel will last for a very long time with very little maintenance just give it a light oil spray once a year and you'll have no issues.

If you do not have a handle on your door currently you will want to add one. You can grab the deadbolt and pull on it but if it gets wet or dusty it might make it tough. You can simply grab a pull handle or use something like the Valterra Keyed Entry Door Knob part # L32CS000

expert reply by:
Randy B

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