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Recommended Battery Disconnect System for Flat Towing GMC Canyon Diesel  


It states in the QandA, - Roadmaster Automatic Battery Disconnect with Switch # RM-766 Please note this cannot be used if cannot be used if your Canyon is diesel or has dual batteries, though you are still going to need to disconnect your battery to flat tow. Is there an alternative/what are the options if any to this switch if you have a diesel canyon?


Expert Reply:

You are right that the Roadmaster Automatic Battery Disconnect # RM-766 cannot be used with diesel engine vehicles like your GMC Canyon. The issue is the high compression ratio of diesels that cause the engine to surge up to 10 times that of gas engines, which can lead to failure on the solenoid.

What you can use instead is an alternate-style battery disconnect like the Deka # DW05312 or the Epicord # 277-000096 that includes a switch you could mount inside the cab. This still allows you to easily disconnect the battery each time you're ready to tow the Canyon.

I have attached a couple short video demonstrations on these products as well.

expert reply by:
Chris R

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