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Ballmount Rise/Drop Needed for Towing Rental Car Dolly with 2015 Dodge Charger  


I am hooking up a tow dolly to my 2015 Dodge Charger. I have already had the hitch installed. I currently have a 2” ball mount with a 3.5 . Will that work! I measured the height of the mount to be 9.5” without the ball and the average coupler dimensions of a Uhaul trailer is 18”. That would give me a rise of 8.5”, does that seem right?


Expert Reply:

The closer you can get the hitch ball height to the level height of the trailer (tow dolly in your case), the better. Towing the trailer nose up or down can cause trailer sway, which you'll want to avoid. For best results, you'll want to get the coupler and ball height within 1-1/2 to 2 inches, and it's better to have the coupler slightly lower than the trailer ball than vice versa.

A ball mount with a 7-inch rise like # C45338 would put you right where you need to be, height wise. If you don't have it already, you'll also need a trailer wiring harness for your Charger, part # 118655. I'll link you to an installation video. You'll also need the properly sized trailer ball, tow dollies usually use a 2 inch ball like part # A-90.

The Convert-a-Ball # TK5007 adjustable ball mount would also work for you, but because it's adjustable, you'll get a lot of rattle and noise every time you accelerate and brake. For a short tow, it wouldn't be bad but if you're traveling several hundred miles, you'll be better off getting a non-adjustable ball mount of the proper height like the one recommended.

expert reply by:
Mike L

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