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Fifth Wheel Towing with 2013 Ram 3500 Equipped with Ramboxes  


can i get a 5th wheel to install in my 2013 Ram 3500 with Ramboxes. Some places say a sidewinder pin box with a conventional 5th wheel hitch will work.


Helpful Expert Reply:

You have heard correctly. The Sidewinder will move the pivot point between the hitch and the fifth wheel far enough to the rear so that the pin box won't hit the inside edges of the top of the bed side during turns. You could use a sliding hitch if you already have one, but you'll need to make sure that the hitch stays in the forward towing position at all times.

The Sidewinder is specific to the pin box model, so you'll need to know which pin box you have. There should be a sticker on there somewhere that will identify if for you.

I'll link you to the Sidewinder models we offer, just click the link and use the filters along the left side of the page to choose the model to replace your existing pin box. Some Sidewinder models are offered in differing weight capacities, so be sure to choose a model whose capacity exceeds the GVWR of your fifth wheel.

I've also linked to a help article that will explain further how the Sidewinder works.

expert reply by:
Mike L

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