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Is a P-Trap Needed When Using the Camco RV Drain Trap  


Will this drain trap prevent fumes from entering the trailer via the sink as it doesnt include the traditional p-trap.


Expert Reply:

The Camco RV Drain Trap part # CAM37262 is designed to screw onto the bottom of a sink and then ran outside the trailer with a drain hose similar to the Camco RV Drain Hose w/ Drain Trap and Evacuation Flange part # CAM37420. It is not really designed to be ran to a holding tank but if you were to do so then you would still need a p-trap like the Valterra P-Trap part # D50-2215 in order prevent the fumes for getting into the trailer. The only thing is I don't have any adapters to go from the Camco RV Drain Trap to the Valterra P-Trap so you would be on your own there.

If you were wanting to permanently route the sink drain to your holding tank then you would need to use the above p-trap and then go to your local home improvement store to get the rest of the fittings you need.

expert reply by:
Conner L

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