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Propane System Components on 5th Wheel or Travel Trailer  


On your website, you answered John S’ question about using a Camco 59013 to replace a KLI 9000 in the afirmative. Jason S answered a similar question with a different answer, referencing a different Camco unit, #57704. Both answers are, I believe, wrong apparently because your staff seem confused about the porpose of a high pressure single stage versus a low pressure single stage regulator when used in conjunction with an automatic change over regulator in a two tank installation. The Camco units referenced are both low pressure, holding 11” wc. The first question specifically asked if the Camco would replace a 30psi single stage. It wont. Eleven inches water column equals approximately 0.397psi. This is a far cry from 30psi. The 30psi single stage regulator is used on the far side of a 5th wheel two tank install to keep vaporous propane from turning back into a liquid in a 5 foot cross over tube that without a regulator would be anywhere from 30 to 200psi unregulated. A low pressure regulator juxtiposed with a two st age auto changeover regulator wont allow the auto changeover to change over because it will wee the low pressure side as an empty tank.


Expert Reply:

I believe I understand what you are stating but the issue you are finding is in the location of the regulator and not with the components. The 11 inch water column is what is standard on any 5th wheel, travel trailer, or motorhome after the regulator whether it is a single stage like # CAM59013 or a 2-stage regulator like # CAM59313. This is a low pressure system at any point after that regulator, so if you were to put a regulator in-line prior to the crossover, it would give you an inaccurate reading of the tank (as it is not intended to function that way). I've attached a couple of articles to show how a system is normally setup on a trailer or motorhome.

If you need the high pressure system for an appliance then you need to add a tee fitting like the MB Sturgis Sturgi-Stay T-Fitting # 103613-MBS prior to the regulator whether it is a automatic changeover regulator like # CAM59005 or a more basic regulator. This unregulated pressure would need to have a separate regulator in line for your specific appliance.

The 30 psi regulator like # 108072 would have been a better recommendation to be made in that original question and answer, so I agree with you there.

Let me know if you have any further questions.

expert reply by:
Jason S

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